Risk and potential analysis of the landscape via GIS-based, multifactorial modeling and use of multi-sensor remote sensing
Subproject leaders: Prof. Dr. Martin Kappas (Uni Göttingen, Germany); Diego Mohr Bell (CIEFAP, Argentina)
In this research focus, a comprehensive spatial information system (GIS) will be established, integrating all project data as well as historical and current monitoring data (field data, aerial photography and satellite data as well as climate and land use data) for the study area between Bariloche and Esquel. The spatial information systems will allow extensive analysis capabilities, including the derivation of ecosystem services of forests, their influence on extremes of water balance and soil degradations, and the derication of site-specific conditions for optimized forest productivity. The intended information system will serve as a transfer platform in addition to holding all data, long-term archiving of data and project results, and can be linked to other knowledge platforms (e.g., Global Forest Watch).
For better surveying and differentiating forest types at different scales in the future, the development of new classification algorithms is another subprioject aim. First drone flights and parallel field mapping on the ground have already taken place in the run-up of the project and will be further intensified.
Time series analyses based on existing satellite image archives (Landsat, Spot, Modis, Sentinels, RapidEye, TanDEM-X-SAR) will provide information on changes in land use, forest cover and the spread of forest fires (change detection). From this, indicators for climate and land use change will be derived.
Main subproject team: Jonas Fierke, Ariel Neri Winter (PhD-students)
Other team members: Dr. Birgitta Putzenlechner, Dr. Daniel Wyss, Dr. Alois Simon
Xu C., Kappas M., Hohnwald S., Wyss D., Lencinas J.D., Mohr-Bell D. (2021). Monitoring Forest Fire Severity Using Time Series Of Landsat Data – A Case Study Of Lago Epuyén In Patagonia, Argentinia. GEOÖKO XLII: 5 - 38. pdf